CLIR Announces Hidden Collections Awards

subject: hidden collections
special collections
cataloging hidden collections

CLIR Press Releases

For Immediate Release: November 30, 2009

Kathlin Smith

CLIR Announces Hidden Collections Awards

Washington, D.C.—The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) today announced the following recipients of the 2009 Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives awards:

Brooklyn Historical Society
Uncovering the Secrets of Brooklyn’s 19th Century Past: Creation to Consolidation

The California Digital Library
Uncovering California’s Environmental Collections: A Collaborative Approach

College of Charleston Libraries
Jewish Heritage Collection

Free Library of Philadelphia
Milestones in 20th-Century American Children’s Literature at the Free Library of Philadelphia

George Mason University
Uncovering a Forbidden World: Providing Access to East German Art, Culture, and Politics

Lehigh University
The Moravian Community in the New World: The First 100 Years

Marquette University Libraries
Catholic Social Action Access Project (CSAAP)

Newberry Library
French Pamphlet Collections at the Newberry Library

North Carolina State University Libraries
Changing the Landscape: Exposing the Legacy of Modernist Architects and Landscape Architects

Northeast Historic Film
Intellectual Access to Moving Images of Work Life, 1916-1950

Smithsonian Institution
Exposing Biodiversity Fieldbooks and Original Expedition Journals at the Smithsonian Institution

University of California, Berkeley
San Francisco Examiner Photograph Archive Project

University of Southern California Libraries
Excavating L.A.: USC’s Hidden Southern California Historical Collections

Yale University
Song, Speech, and Dance: Special Collections from the Recorded Sound Archives at Yale and Stanford Universities

More detail on the funded projects can be found at
Created in 2008 with funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives awards program supports the identification and cataloging of special collections and archives of high scholarly value that are difficult or impossible to locate. Award recipients create descriptive information for their hidden collections that will eventually be linked to and interoperable with all other projects funded by this grant program.

The Council on Library and Information Resources is an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the management of information for research, teaching, and learning. CLIR works to expand access to information, however recorded and preserved, as a public good.

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