Where Are They Now? Tracking the Accomplishments of CLIR Postdoctoral Fellows

Since its inception in 2004, the CLIR Postdoctoral Fellowship Program has offered recent Ph.D. graduates an unparalleled chance to gain experience in academic libraries, archives, and museums. This prestigious program, known for its competitive selection process, has supported over 200 fellows who have made substantial contributions to the field of library and information science.  

In this series, we take a closer look at the current work of CLIR postdoctoral fellows, acknowledging their achievements as they conclude their fellowships. Many of these fellows have risen to prominent roles in academic institutions, including tenured faculty positions. Through their innovative projects and leadership, they continue to influence the field. This exploration showcases the lasting impact of CLIR’s postdoctoral program on the careers of its alumni.

This edition features Dr. Luling Huang, a 2020 Energy Social Science fellow whose host institution was Carnegie Mellon University.  Dr. Huang is now embarking on his first year as a tenure-track professor at Missouri Western. His  journey from fellow to faculty highlights his dedication to interdisciplinary research and communication studies. 

Watch to learn more about how Dr. Huang’s work is shaping the academic landscape.

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