CPA Newsletter #54, Mar 1993
The Commission on Preservation and Access Newsletter March 1993 Number 54 University of Iowa, University of Southern California, and Vassar College Bring Sponsor Total to
The Commission on Preservation and Access Newsletter March 1993 Number 54 University of Iowa, University of Southern California, and Vassar College Bring Sponsor Total to
The Commission on Preservation and Access Newsletter February 1993 Number 53 1992 International Project Update on Microfilming Abroad A newly-published activity report of the International
The Commission on Preservation and Access Newsletter January 1993 Number 52 Bellagio Conference Underscores Transatlantic Scholarly Links The development of new scholarly linkages between Europe
The Commission on Preservation and Access Newsletter November-December 1992 Number 51 Board Approves Contracts as Part of Digital Preservation Consortium Activities Two contracts specifying the
The Commission on Preservation and Access Newsletter October 1992 Number 50 Cornell, Yale Advance with Digital Technologies Cornell and Yale Universities have released reports on
The Commission on Preservation and Access Newsletter September 1992 Number 49 Fifty Sponsors Pledge Support to Commission Amherst College Boston Public Library Brown University University
The Commission on Preservation and Access Newsletter August 1992 Number 48 Summertime Good News Edition Once again, the August Newsletter brings summertime good news. This
The Commission on Preservation and Access Newsletter July 1992 Number 47 Commission Recognized as Partner in EROMM Project In a letter received in early June,
The Commission on Preservation and Access Newsletter June 1992 Number 46 Board Acknowledges National Advisory Council, Convenes Group of Preservation Administrators After considerable discussion and
The Commission on Preservation and Access Newsletter May 1992 Number 45 Joint Task Force Issues Final Report; Recommends Test Projects The Joint Task Force on
The Commission on Preservation and Access Newsletter April 1992 Number 44 International Project Reports on Technology in Spain, Preservation in China The Commission’s International Project
The Commission on Preservation and Access Newsletter March 1992 Number 43 Speakers Describe Technology, College Libraries at Capitol Hill Briefing on Preservation Over 40 persons,
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