Research Brief 3
Comprehensive Access to Off-Site Print Materials at Johns Hopkins University In June 1996, within a program funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to encourage
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Comprehensive Access to Off-Site Print Materials at Johns Hopkins University In June 1996, within a program funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to encourage
Relationships Between Libraries and Computer Centers at Liberal Arts Colleges In the 1980s, observers predicted that the roles of libraries and computer centers on the
A Different Approach to the Evaluation of Research Libraries In 1996, within a program funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to encourage research on
Universal Service in the Digital Age: The Commercialization and Geography of US Internet Access In 1997, within a program funded by The Andrew W.
Cost Centers and Measures in the Networked-Information Value Chain The operations of publishers, libraries, and intermediary organizations-such as bibliographic utilities and abstracting and indexing services-are
How Users, Publishers, and Librarians Are Responding to E-Journal Publication In 1996, the Council on Library Resources and the Commission on Preservation and Access asked
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