Research Brief

Research Brief 3

Comprehensive Access to Off-Site Print Materials at Johns Hopkins University In June 1996, within a program funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to encourage

Research Brief 2

Relationships Between Libraries and Computer Centers at Liberal Arts Colleges In the 1980s, observers predicted that the roles of libraries and computer centers on the

Research Brief 6

A Different Approach to the Evaluation of Research Libraries In 1996, within a program funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to encourage research on

Research Brief 5

  Universal Service in the Digital Age: The Commercialization and Geography of US Internet Access In 1997, within a program funded by The Andrew W.

Research Brief 4

Cost Centers and Measures in the Networked-Information Value Chain The operations of publishers, libraries, and intermediary organizations-such as bibliographic utilities and abstracting and indexing services-are

Research Brief 1

How Users, Publishers, and Librarians Are Responding to E-Journal Publication In 1996, the Council on Library Resources and the Commission on Preservation and Access asked

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