CLIR Camp 2021 provides the opportunity to actively engage with a network of extraordinary, inspiring, & like-minded community members. We invite you to join us, discover and learn from shared interests and concerns, and try something new in a welcoming space.
We will gather to exchange ideas about emerging trends in cultural heritage and research. Shared goals will be to:
Camp is open to fellows, current & former supervisors, alumni, & program supporters.
Register through the Eventbrite platform by clicking on the green “Register” button. Request a ticket for every session you want to attend and for the orientation and closing sessions (required for all participants). Registration is limited for each session.
[Draft Jul 23, 2021]
We will host all sessions on Zoom, which can provide closed captioning. For more information on Zoom accessibility features, visit
We will post workshop syllabi and supporting materials on the camp website(s) 12-24 hours before the session. Materials prepared for Camp will be released under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC3.0) to help ensure broad access.
Please email if you need additional accommodations to participate in CLIR Camp.
Do you have a question about CLIR Camp 2021? Email
We will post workshop syllabi and supporting materials in this google drive 12-24 hours before the session. Materials prepared for Camp will be released under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC3.0) to help ensure broad access.
Meet your counselors and fellow campers, and review and approve our community agreement. We encourage all participants to attend the orientation session.
Led by Mara Sedlins
Starting from a journaling technique taught by comic artist and art professor Lynda Barry, we will explore analog, visual, and handmade recording methods and communicating information. How do words and images interact? What do images do that words cannot? What does it mean to make something by hand, and how does that change the message?
Participants will want to bring their art supplies, such as paper, a journal, pens, pencils, etc.
Lynda Barry, Syllabus: Notes from an accidental professor
Description of four-minute diary method
An introduction to visual note-taking
Mona Chalabi: Instagram, “Sketching With Data”
Data Comics position statement, by Sally Gore and Tess Grynoch
Communicating Science with Zines
led by Charlotte Nunes and Liz Rodrigues
Are you interested in collaborative library-led projects guided by values of equity, diversity, and inclusion? This session will center on academic library collaborations with community partners, student groups, public libraries, and cultural heritage organizations to foster a broad sense of belonging. The discussion will address practical nuts-and-bolts of ambitious collaborative projects, as well as theoretical concerns. Participants will be invited to share interests, experiences, and concerns.
Attendees will form small collaborative teams (3-4 people) centered on shared interests, questions, or challenges. This first session will focus on creating the teams that will brainstorm with one another throughout camp.
Led by Faithe Day
Do you have a creative hobby or interest that you would like to share? Have you ever wanted to create a digital humanities project but don’t know where to start? In this workshop, you will learn how to channel your creative energy and pursuits into the creation of content that reflects your scholarly goals and builds your professional profile. Specifically, this workshop will teach you how to identify the relationship between your artistic and academic strengths in order to create and manage a project for digital platforms and audiences. This includes, but is not limited to: digital project visioning, planning, and platform selection.
*** Participants attending ‘Content & Creativity’ are encouraged to sign up for ‘Collaboration & Community’***
Led by Faithe Day
As a complement to the workshop on “Content and Creativity,” the exercises in the “Collaboration and Community” workshop will teach you how to use the strategies of advertising, marketing, and communication in order to harness the power of social networking. Specifically, this workshop will help you identify an audience for your digital project(s) so that you can advertise and promote yourself and your work. This includes, but is not limited to: finding your niche in the scholarly community, tips on collaborating with others, and creating a marketing strategy for your creative work.
*** Participants attending ‘Collaboration and Community’ are encouraged to sign up for ‘Content & Creativity’***
Join us for a reading of Franchise and a discussion of research publishing with the author, Marcia Chatelain. Marcia is a scholar, speaker, and strategist based in Washington, D.C. She teaches courses in African American life and culture at Georgetown University, and she is the mentor for our African American and African Studies Fellows.
Franchise is the Winner of the 2021 Pulitzer Prize in History
Led by Laura Wilson
Join us for a special camp-themed edition of CLIR Craft Corner!
Or bring along any other creative project you’re currently working on, and unwind with some arty fun!
Led by Justin Schell
This session will be a general overview of creating a podcast and will include examples of academic-focused podcasts.
Led by Justin Schell
Building on the session, Podcasting as a Means to Reach Broader Audiences, we will explore ways to support students, especially graduate students, in overcoming non-technical obstacles related to these kinds of projects.
Led by Justin Schell
Justin will discuss ethical community partnerships in Digital Projects through the lens of both projects he’s been involved with and the larger academic/community partnership landscape. The session will draw from community-based participatory research (CBPR) and other forms of research that upend traditional academic power dynamics.
Join the CLIR Grants Team for a chat over a drink or snack of your choice. This is a chance to discuss the Digitizing Hidden Collections: Amplifying Unheard Voices and Recordings and Risk; find out what the life of a non-profit program officer looks like; and explore the world of LAM-CH funding and grant-making.
Led by Matthew Sisk
Join CLIR’s Christa Williford for a chat over a drink or snack of your choice. She’ll tell the story of how the current external assessment came together, how it’s evolved, and what kinds of new ideas have surfaced along the way.
The teams formed on Tuesday will gather together to share the outcomes of their discussions throughout camp. Teams will have the opportunity to continue meeting after camp, and we can discuss how CLIR can support future collaboration.
Join CLIR’s Jodi Reeves Eyre for a chat over a drink or snack of your choice. We’ll discuss the planned community data fellowships, upcoming program branding and our vision, mission, and goals for the rest of the year.
This isn’t goodbye, only see you later! Here is a chance to thank your camp directors, counselors, and fellow campers.
Council on Library and Information Resources
1800 Diagonal Road, Suite 600
Alexandria, VA 22314
CLIR is an independent, nonprofit organization that forges strategies to enhance research, teaching, and learning environments in collaboration with libraries, cultural institutions, and communities of higher learning.
Unless otherwise indicated, content on this site is available for re-use under CC BY-SA 4.0 License