Birgit Antonsson took up her present post as Director of the Royal Library,
National Library of Sweden in 1988. She received a Ph.D. in literary history
from Uppsala University in 1972, and subsequently graduated from the Swedish
Library College in 1974. After working at Linkoping and Uppsala University
Libraries, she became Library Director at the Stockholm School of Economics
in 1985, and Deputy Librarian at the Royal Library in 1987. She was President
of the Swedish Association of University and Research Libraries from 1984-1986.
She is currently Chair of the Swedish Council for Research in the Humanities
and Social Sciences. Her most recent publications are The Mission Statement
of the Royal Library-National Library of Sweden; Till det okatalogiserade
tryckets lov eller De dödas encyklopedi i Kungliga biblioteket (Festskrift
till Bendik Rugaas); and “Introduction” to Bang, H. Släkten utan bopp.
Patricia Battin is the first President of the Commission on Preservation
and Access. Before establishing the Commission in 1987, she was Vice-President
for Information Services/University Librarian at Columbia University, where
she came after serving in various capacities at the library of the State
University of New York at Binghamton. A graduate of Swarthmore College
in English literature, she also has a library science degree from Syracuse
and honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degrees from Lehigh University, where
she is also a trustee, and from Emory University. She has been on the board
of directors of the Research Libraries Group, the Association of Research
Libraries and the Council on Library Resources. She has served on library
advisory committees for Harvard, Yale, Lehigh and Syracuse. Her most recent
publications are “Redefining Preservation and Reconceptualizing Information
Services” in Library Issues; “Bibliographic Control and Access to Microforms” in
European Research Libraries Cooperation: The LIBER Quarterly; “The Preservation
of Knowledge: Strategies for a Global Society” in Strengthening the U.S.-Japan
Library Partnership.
Richard Brilliant is Professor of Art History and Archaeology at Columbia
University, where he also holds a named chair in the humanities. Before
coming to Columbia, he taught at the University of Pennsylvania, and has
been a visiting professor at the University of Pittsburgh, Princeton University,
the University of Rome, and the Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa. At present
he is also Editor-in-Chief of The Art Bulletin. Trained as a classical
art historian, he has always been interested in theoretical questions,
beginning with his first book, Gesture and Rank in Roman Art, an analysis
of political imagery and the semiotics of representation. His two most
recent books, Visual Narrative and Portraiture, examine the particularities
of narrative in visual art, and the nature of portraiture in relation to
changing concepts of identity.
Paul Canart is Director of the Manuscripts Department of the Vatican Apostolic
Library, and a teacher in its Library School as well as its School of Paleography.
His early education in classical philology, Thomistic philosophy and theology
was followed by a Docteur ès Lettres awarded by Paris-Sorbonne in
1979. His Vatican career began as a manuscript conservator in 1957 and
he has held several other posts in the Library in the interim. President
of the Committee for Byzantine Studies of the Holy See, and member of its
Committee on Historical Sciences, he is also active in international groups
concerned with Byzantine Studies and Greek Paleography. His publications
include Les Vaticani Graeci 1487-1962: Notes et Documents pour l’Histoire
d ‘un Fonds de Manuscrits de la Bibliothèteque Vaticane; Paleografia
e Codicologia Greca: Una Rassegna Bibliografica; and Codices Vaticani Graeci:
Codices 1745-1962.
Pieter J.D. Drenth is Professor of Psychometrics and Organizational Psychology
at Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, where he has also served as Rector
Magnificus. He received his Ph.D. in psychology from Vrije Universiteit
in 1960 and studied at New York University on a Fulbright Scholarship in
196-61. He was awarded an honorary doctor degree by Ghent University in
1980. He is also currently President of the Royal Netherlands Academy of
Arts and Sciences. His principal fields of interest are intelligence theory,
personality assessment, leadership and decision making, and cross cultural
psychology. His publications include Advances in Organizational Psychology,
which he edited in 1988.
George F. Farr, Jr. is Director of the Division of Preservation and Access
at the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), an independent grant-making
agency of the United States government. Awards from this division encompass
a broad range of preservation and access activities at non-federal institutions,
including a national program to preserve on microfilm the intellectual
content of approximately 3,000,000 brittle books in 20 years. He holds
a Ph.D. in English literature from Yale University and is a member of the
Senior Executive Service. Before coming to NEH, he held appointments in
the English departments of the University of California, Berkeley, and
Vassar College, where he taught courses in Victorian Literature and British
fiction. At NEH, he has established grant programs that fund the creation
of research tools and reference works, databases in the humanities, scholarly
editions and translations, and the coordinated preservation of United States
newspapers on a state-by-state basis. He has written and spoken on a variety
of issues pertaining to preservation and the Endowment’s work; his most
recent article, on the history of NEH’s brittle books program, appeared
in Advances in Preservation and Access, Volume 1, 1992.
Colette Flesch is Director-General of Directorate X of the Commission
of the European Communities. This Directorate has responsibility for Audiovisual,
Information, Communication, and Culture. Born in Luxembourg, she was educated
in the United States at Wellesley College and the Fletcher School of Law
and Diplomacy, where she received the M.A. and M.A.L.D. Before assuming
her current position, she was a European civil servant, then entered Luxembourg
political life. Between 1969 and 1990 she was successively: Mayor of Luxembourg,
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of the Economy, and Minister of Justice,
as well as a member of the European Parliament. Her publications include
La Diplomatie Luxembourgeoise and The Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies.
Christoph Graf is Director of the Swiss Federal Archives and a professor
at the Universities of Basel and Berne. His Dr. Phil. is from the University
of Berne in 1983 in political history. He is currently a member of the
Swiss Federal Committee for Scientific Information. He has been a scholarly
collaborator in research projects of the Swiss National Fund and an active
member of the General Society of Historical Research of Switzerland, the
Society of Swiss Archivists and the International Council on Archives.
His publications include Der Reichstagsbrand and Politische Polizei zvJischen
Demokratie und Diktatur, as well as contributions to historical and archivist
specialty periodicals.
John Heilbron is Vice-Chancellor, University of California, Berkeley,
where he is also professor of history and Director of the Office for History
of Science and Technology. His Ph.D. in history was granted by Berkeley.
Earlier he taught at Cornell University and at the University of Pennsylvania.
His principal scholarly interest is the history of physics. He has written
on the theory of atomic structure, on electricity in the 17th and 18th
centuries, and on early modern physics. The life and work of H.G.J. Mosely,
an English physicist, is the subject of one of his books, and he has also
written The Dilemmas of an Upright Man: Max Planck as Spokesman for German
Science. He has studied Nobel awardees and the productivity of academic
establishments. He is a foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of
Sciences. His most recent publications are The Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
from Its Origins to World War and Benjamin Franklin’s Briefe uon der Electrizität.
Mark D. Jordan is Associate Professor at the University of Notre Dame,
Indiana, where he is Secretary of the Joint Program in Medieval Philosophy
at the Medieval Institute. His Ph.D. in philosophy was awarded by the University
of Texas, Austin. He has also taught at the University of Dallas and at
the Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies at Toronto, and spent a year
as a Fulbright Scholar at the Universidad de Granada. He is currently a
member of the Committee on Library Preservation of the Medieval Academy
of America. He has published many articles on Thomistic philosophy, as
well as two monographs: Ordering Wisdom: The Hierarchy of Philosophical
Discourses in Aquinas; and The Care of Souls and the Rhetoric of Moral
Theology in Bonaventure and Aquinas. He is currently participating as an
editor in the project to convert Migne’s Patrologia Latina to a machine-readable
Michel Roger Jouve is Professor of English and Anglo-Saxon Language and
Literature at the University of Bordeaux III, as well as its Vice-President
and Director of its Center for British Studies and Research. His Doctorat è’ettres
(in English Literature) was awarded by Paris-Sorbonne in 1979. He has taught
in London and Le Havre as well as at the Universities of Rouen and Tunis,
and participated in instruction by radio and television. His principal
research interests are the interpretation of visual art, especially caricature,
and aesthetic theories of the arts in Great Britain and Europe from the
18th to the 20th century. His publications include L’Age d ‘Or de la Caricature
Anglaise, and “Nation et Nations dans la caricature politique anglaise
au 18ème siecle” in History of European Ideas
Stanley Katz is President of the American Council of Learned Societies
(ACLS), New York. Born in Chicago, he was educated at Harvard University
where he took a Ph.D. in American history as well as a year of legal training.
His principal scholarly interest has been in American legal history, especially
colonial law and constitutionalism. Before assuming the presidency of ACLS
he was Professor of the History of American Law and Liberty at Princeton
University. He has also been a member of the faculties of Harvard and the
Universities of Chicago, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. He has served on many
advisory and governing boards for universities, foundations and governments.
He is a Fellow of the American Antiquarian Society and the American Academy
of Arts and Sciences. Recent publications include “Bernard Bailyn, Historian
and Teacher” in The Transformation of Early American History; “I rapporti
culturali fra Europa e Stati Uniti dopo la Seconda guerra mondiale” in
il ulino; and “The Strange Birth and Unlikely History of Constitutional
Equality” in The Journal of American History.
Knut Kleve is Professor of Classics at the University of Oslo. He received
his Dr. Phil. from the University of Oslo in 1963. He was Professor of
Classics at the University of Bergen from 1963 to 1973 when he joined the
faculty at Oslo. A papyrologist who has published extensively on the papyri
of Herculaneum, he served as a board member of the Centro Internazionale
per lo Studio dei Papiri Ercolanesi as well as head of the research laboratory
in the Officina dei Papiri Ercolanesi of the Biblioteca Nazionale, Naples.
He is head of the restoration work in the papyrus collection of the University
Library in Oslo. His most recent publications are An Approach to the Latin
Papyri from Herculaneum; “Three technical guides to the papyri of Herculaneum:
how to unroll, how to remove sovrapposti, how to take pictures” in Cronache
Ercolanesi; and “Phoenix from the Ashes: Lucretius and Ennius in Herculaneum” in
The Norwegian Institute at Athens.
M. Stuart Lynn is Vice-President for Information Technologies at Cornell
University. He has an M.A. in mathematics from Oxford University and an
M.A. and Ph.D. in mathematics from UCLA. He has held a variety of academic,
government, and industrial positions, including Professor of Mathematical
Sciences and Director of the Institute for Computer Services and Applications
at Rice University; Director of Computing Affairs and Professor of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science at the University of California, Berkeley;
and President and Chairman of Capital Technologies Corporation (USA). He
is currently a member of the Technology Assessment Advisory Committee of
the Commission on Preservation and Access and the Committee on Electronic
Publishing of the Coalition for Networked Information. His publications
include, through the Commission: Joint Study in Digital Preservation, Phase
1 (contributing author); Computerization Project of the Archivo General
de Indias, Seville, Spain (with Hans Rutimann); and Preservation and Access
Technology: The Relationship Between Digital and Other Media Conversion
Processes: A Structured Glossary of Technical Terms.
Vittorio Marchis is Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at
the Politecnico di Turino and also Professor of History of Technology at
the University’s Architecture Faculty. He is a member of the Engineering
and Architecture Committee of the National Research Council (CNR), the
Scientific Culture and Historical Scientific Culture Committee of the University
and Research Ministry (MURST), and several scientific associations in the
fields of mechanics and the history of technology. He is Director of the
Politecnico Bulletin of Information and Culture (Linee). His publications
include two books on computer modelling of mechanical and engineering systems,
Modelli di Sistemi Termodinamici and Modelli, and several books on the
history of engineering and technical culture, among them, Bibliotheca Technologica.
Geofrey Martin is Research Professor at the University of Essex and Senior
Research Fellow of Merton College, Oxford. His Dr. Phil. is from Oxford,
and he has taught history at the Universities of Leicester and Toronto.
He has held the post of Keeper of Public Records for the U.K. and has been
a member of the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments and Chairman of
the British Records Association. Awarded the CBE in 1986, he has also been
honored by a medal of the Library Association and an honorary degree from
the University of Essex. His current research interests include medieval
guilds and the history of Merton College. Among his recent publications
are Dublin Merchant Guild Rolls, 1190-1265; Ipswich Recognizance Rolls,
1294-1327, and contributions to various learned journals.
J. Hillis Miller is UCI Distinguished Professor, Department of English
and Comparative Literature, University of California at Irvine. Formerly
a professor of English at Yale University and the Johns Hopkins University,
he has held teaching positions at Harvard University, Williams College,
and the University of Notre Dame, as well as several visiting professorships.
He has an M.A. and Ph.D. from Harvard and an M.A. Privatim from Yale. He
received three Honorary Doctor degrees and several fellowships, including
Fulbright Fellow, Autonomous University of Barcelona; Carnegie Fellow,
University of Edinburgh; National Endowment for the Humanities Senior Fellow;
and two Guggenheim Fellowships. He has served as President of the Modern
Language Association and Chairman of the Commission’s Scholarly Advisory
Committee on Modern Language and Literature, through which he published
Preserving the Literary Heritage. He has written numerous articles and
books, whose recent titles include Versions of Pygmalion, Ariadne’s Thread,
and Illustration.
Alison de Puymège is Assistant Secretary General of the Standing
Conference of Rectors, Presidents and Vice-Chancellors of the European
Universities (CRE). She received an M.A. in modern languages from Oxford
University. In Geneva she was awarded a Diplôme d’études superéures
in political science and also pursued doctoral studies at the Graduate
Institute of International Studies. She is a member of the Governing Board
of the European Institute of Education and Social Policy in Paris and the
Advisory Board of the Central European University Press, and is secretary
to the Editorial Board publishing a History of the University in Europe.
Her publications include L’Europe et les Intellectuels, a series of interviews
published for the European Cultural Centre; and “Identité culturelle
et relations internationales” in Relations Internationales.
Heimo Reinitzer is Professor of Early German Literature at the University
of Hamburg, where he was Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Literature
from 1989 to 1993. He received a Dr. Phil. in German literature from Graz
University and was an assistant lecturer at the Universities of Cologne
and Hamburg. His field of expertise initially covered exemplary stories,
the medieval role of nature and relations between text and illustrations.
Since 1979 he has been in charge of the German Bible Archives at the University
of Hamburg and has concentrated on questions concerning the editorial development
of medieval texts and the history of books and libraries.
Henry W, Riecken is Senior Program Adviser to the Commission on Preservation
and Access. His Ph.D. in psychology is from Harvard University. Formerly
a professor of behavioral science and psychology at the University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, he has also been a member of the faculties of the University
of Minnesota and Harvard. Between these posts, he served as President of
the Social Science Research Council, New York and in two U.S. government
positions: Associate Director (for Scientific Education) of the National
Science Foundation; and as Associate Director (Planning) of the National
Library of Medicine. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and
Sciences, and the Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences.
His publications include When Prophecy Fails, the study of a millennial
group, and articles in psychological journals.
Hans Rütimann is a consultant to the Commission on Preservation and
Access, responsible for coordinating the Commission’s international project.
He graduated from the University of Zurich in German. He was formerly Deputy
Executive Director of the Modern Language Association (MLA), New York,
where he oversaw the conversion of the Association’s International Bibliography
to an online database and compact disk format. He served as General Editor
of the MLA series “Technology and the Humanities,” and taught a graduate
course at Columbia University on the impact of electronic technology on
scholarly communication. He has written on computer-aided instruction and
has published, through the Commission: The International Project: 1992
Update; Computerization Project of the Archivo General de Indias, Seville,
Spain (with Stuart Lynn); and Preservation and Access in China: Possibilities
for Cooperation.
Miquel Siguan is Professor Emeritus of Psychology of the University of
Barcelona, and Honorary Director of its Institute of Education. He is also
Chairman of UNESCO’s project LINGUAPAX2. A native of Catalonia, he joined
Barcelona’s faculty in 1962 and has devoted himself to problems of psycholinguistics,
especially children’s language, second language acquisition, and problems
of bilingualism and bilingual education. His book Education and Bilingualism
has been published in five languages, and his more recent España
Plurilingue will shortly appear in an English version.
David Vaisey is Bodley’s Librarian at the Bodleian Library, University
of Oxford, and a Professorial Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. Born in
Gloucestershire, he took a B.A. and M.A. in Modern History at Exeter College,
then trained as an archivist in the Department of Western Manuscripts at
the Bodleian, subsequently serving there as Assistant Librarian until he
became Deputy Keeper of the Oxford University Archives. From that post
he retumed to Keeper of Western Manuscripts until he assumed his current
position in 1986. A member of the Modern History Faculty at Oxford, his
research has been concerned with local historical records. He has served
on numerous national committees concerned with archives and historical
records and has published extensively on these subjects Recent publications
include The Diary of Thomas Turner, 1754-1765; “The Image of the Archivist” in
Archives and Europe Without Boundaries; and The Foundations of Scholarship:
Libraries and Collecting.
Commission on Preservation and Access
1400 16th Street, NW, Suite 740
Washington, DC 20036-2217 (202) 939-3400
The Commission on Preservation and Access was established in 1986 to foster
and support collaboration among libraries and allied organizations in order
to ensure the preservation of the published and documentary record in all
formats and to provide enhanced access to scholarly information.