
LogoWithin a relatively short time, the system has entered the information age and assumed leadership in the community for coordinating and integrating the delivery of information to its users. In the early 1980s, the Broward County Library system was instrumental in pulling together a public and academic library cooperative that obtained funding for a pilot project that later became known as SEFLIN Free-Net, a regional community information network. In March 1996, the library opened in its main building the Community Technology Center, a public computer laboratory with dual PC and Mac environments that offers a training center, a software preview center, and public access work stations. Over the past year, the library has participated in the Broward County Resources Coordinating Council through which information partnerships have been formed with agencies and organizations in the county. In fact, the Broward County Library places a primary emphasis on fostering coordination among local information providers and has become an advocate for increased public access to a variety of information sources and resources.
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