Arney, J. and Novak, C., Technical Association of Pulp and Paper Industry, 65, 113 (1982). This and another earlier paper by Arney provide an introduction to some of the detailed chemistry of paper deterioration.
Bansa, H., and Hofer, H., Das Papier, 34, 348 (1980) . An early paper of an ongoing series on the usability characteristics of aged papers: stresses relationship of scientific tests to observations and use from librarian and conservator points of view.
Crook, D. M. and Bennett, W. E., The Effect of Humidity and Temperature on the Physical Properties of Paper. Surrey, The United Kingdom: British Paper and Board Industry Research Association, 1962. A still valuable comprehensive study of the effects of humidity and environment on a wide variety of papers. Erratum:In this citation an error in the printed edition has been corrected
Fellers, C., Iverson, T., Lindstrom, T., Nilson, T., and Rydahl, M., Aging/Degradation–A Literature Survey. Report Number 1E, FoU-projektet for papperskonservering, Stockholm, 1989. A recent review of the factors affecting paper aging and degradation. The first of a continuing series of excellent papers on these subjects.
Luner, P., Wood Science Technology, 22, 81 (1988). Evaluates paper permanence by several methods.
Sebera, D.K., “A Graphical Representation of the Relationship of Environmental Conditions to the Permanence of Hygroscopic Materials and Composites.” In Proceedings of Conservation in Archives: International Symposium, Ottawa, Canada, May 10-12, 1988. Paris, France: International Council on Archives, 1989. An early exposition of the isoperm concept and its underlying principles and assumptions.
Sebera, D.K., “The Effects of Strengthening and Deacidification on Paper Permanence: Part 1–Some Fundamental Considerations,” Book and Paper Group Annual 9: 65-117 (1990). Washington, DC: American Institute for Conservation.
Smith, R. D., Library Quarterly, 39, 153 (1969). An early, but still valuable introduction to the relationship of pH and environmental conditions to paper impermanence