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Bibliotheque Nationale de France Mass Digitization-Digital Collections Inventory

Bibliotheque Nationale de France Mass Digitization-Digital Collections Inventory

Commission on Preservation and Access

Council on Library Resources

Commission on Preservation and Access

Digital Collections Inventory Report

Preliminary Results

By Patricia A. McClung
February 1996

Bibliotheque Nationale de France Mass Digitization Project

This major project is converting classical French language texts (philosophy, literature, science, history, social sciences, economics, legal and political history, anthropology and linguistics). The goal is to capture 100,000 texts by 1996, and 300,000 by the year 2000. Most of the conversion is in bitmapped format, with 10% in retrievable, fully searchable texts drawn from the “Frantext” and “Tresor de la Langue Francaise” projects.

Contact: Marcelle Beaudiquez, Dir. du Developpement Scientifique/BN; fax: 3311147.03.81.50

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