Contents and Front Matter

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About the Author

1.  Introduction
2.  Storage and Content Delivery
2.1  Storage
2.2  Servers
2.3  Databases and Repository Platforms
2.4  Content Distribution and Format Assumptions
3.  Metadata Approaches and Harvesting
3.1  Metadata Formats
3.2  Management of Metadata with Content
3.3  Harvesting and Content Ingestion
4.  Search and Discovery
5.  Services and Applications
6.  System Sustainability
7.  Summary
Additional Resources

About the Author

Geneva Henry is the executive director of Digital Scholarship Services at Rice University’s Fondren Library. She joined Rice in 2000 to start Rice’s digital library initiative, which has grown to include many projects, both grant funded and internally sponsored. In addition, Henry is currently a Research Library Leadership Fellow with the Association of Research Libraries. In 2006, she served as a distinguished fellow for the Digital Library Federation, where she was part of the Abstract Services Framework group working to develop a framework of digital library services. From March 2002 through June 2005, she was the executive director for the Connexions open textbook project, helping to shape and launch that project. She is active in professional organizations and conferences related to digital libraries, and she serves as a board member for several organizations and projects, including CLOCKSS, the Digital Scholarship Commons (DiSC), and the European Union’s project. Prior to joining Rice, Henry was a senior information technology architect and program manager with IBM, where she was involved in several complex systems programs for government agencies, universities, and museums worldwide.


This report was funded by a grant to the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for developing a prototype for the Digital Public Library of America. Richard Urban provided research support for metadata approaches and digital library architectures. Rachel Frick from the Digital Library Federation assisted in the review and management for the overall grant of which this is a part. The team from the Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship (CIRSS) in the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, provided many valuable insights through their Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) beta sprint efforts and review of drafts of this report. Numerous reviewers of the preliminary draft suggested enhancements that have been incorporated into the final version. Finally, Kathlin Smith’s diligent editing of the text improved the final report by making it more coherent.

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