Research Data Management Principles, Practices, and Prospects

November 2013. 99 pp. $0
ISBN 978-1-932326-47-5
CLIR pub 160

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This report examines how research institutions are responding to data management requirements of the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, and other federal agencies. It also considers what role, if any, academic libraries and the library and information science profession should have in supporting researchers’ data management needs.

University of North Texas (UNT) Library Director Martin Halbert opens the report with an overview of the DataRes Project, a two-year investigation of data management practices conducted at UNT with colleagues Spencer D. C. Keralis, Shannon Stark, and William E. Moen. His introduction is followed by a series of papers that were presented at the DataRes Symposium that UNT organized in December 2012.

The volume includes a copy of “The Denton Declaration: An Open Data Manifesto,” written in May 2012 by a group of technologists and librarians, scholars and researchers, university administrators, and other stakeholders who gathered at UNT to discuss and articulate best practices and emerging trends in research data management. Mariette Papić’s poster for The Denton Declaration is available here.

Creative Commons LicenseResearch Data Management: Principles, Practices, and Prospects by the Council on Library and Information Resources is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

This is a web-only report-it is not available in print.

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