AM 1 19/ AM Time started PM 2 Time finished PM Total minutes 20/21 15/16/17/18 I~m from The Roper organization and we're conducting a survey about things that are happening today. 1. considering both the availability and cost of things today, as well as your present financial circumstances, do you think now is a good time to buy things you want and need, or a good time to wait, or is it someplace in between? Now is a good time to buy ... 1 Someplace in between .. .3 22/ Now is a good time to wait .2 Don~t know Y 2. Do you feel things in this country are generally going in the right direction today, or do you feel that things have pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track? Right direction 1 Don~t know Y 23/ Wrong track 2 3. What is your opinion of most Federal Government departments and agencies? There may be exceptions, of course, but would you say your opinion of most Federal Departments and agencies is highly favorable, or moderately favorable, or not too favorable, or rather Uflfavorable? Highly favorable 1 24/ Moderately favorable 2 Not too favorable 3 Rather ~favorable 4 Donet know Y a. F.T.C. (Federal Trade Commission) 1 2 3 4 Y 25/ b. F.B.I. (Federal Bureau of Investigation) .1 2 3 4 Y 26/ c. O.S.H.A. (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) 1 2 3 4 Y 27/ d. F.C.C. (Federal Communications Commission) 1 2 3 4 Y 28/ e. N.A.S.A. (National Aeronautic and Space Administration) 1 2 3 4 Y 29/ f. B.A.T.F. (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms) 1 2 3 4 Y 30/ g. I.R.S. (Internal Revenue Service) 1 2 3 4 Y 31/ h. F.A.A. (Federal Aviation Administration) .1 2 3 4 Y 32/ 5. Here is a list of some social problems. (HAND RESPONDENT CARD) For each one, please tell me if you think it affects vou more, less, or the same as the average person in this country? ABOUT' ~RE L~~S THESAM~ ~ a. Violent crime 1 2 3 Y 33/ b. Pollution 1 2 3 Y 34/ c. Economic hardship 1 2 3 Y 35/ d. Police brutality 1 2 3 Y 36/ e. High taxes 1 2 3 Y 37/ f. Discrimination 1 2 3 Y 38/ 6. There has been talk about whether some problems in society have more of an impact or less of an impact on racial and ethnic minorities than they have on other people. (USING SAME CARD) For each one, please tell me if you think it affects racial and ethnic minorities more, less, or about the same as other people? ABOUT' 1~RE L~S THE~E ~ a. Violent crime 1 2 3 Y 39/ b. Pollution 1 2 3 y 40/ c. Economic hardship 1 2 3 y 41/ d. Police brutality 1 2 3 y 42/ -~ -.. - 1 v 43/' f. Assault 6 g. Racketeering, extortion 7 h. Drugs 8 i. Prostitution 9 j. speculationandswindling 0 k. Other 1 46/ Noneof theabove (vol.) 2 Don~tknow Y 8. Of course, the problems we face in 9. What about drunk driving? (HAND our society often have many differ- RESPONDENT CARD) Using this card, ent causes. I am going to ask you which three or ifour things do you about some different problems in think are the inain causes of people society and for each one I want you becoming drunk drivers? to tell me what you think are the DRUNK ma~or causes of each problem. DRIVING First, violent crime. (HAND RESPON DENT CARD) Using this card, which a. Livinginpoverty 1 49/ three or ifour things do you think b. Parents not teaching are the main causes of people com mitting violent crimes? right from wrong 2 VIOLENT c. Being abused as a child 3 CRIME d. Drug abuse 4 a. Livinginpoverty 1 47/ e. WhatpeopleseeinTVprograms 5 b. Parents not teaching f. A lack of morals 6 right from wrong 2 g. A lack of education 7 c. Being abused as a child 3 h. A person not seeing any harm in it .8 d. Drugabuse 4 i. Apersonbeingirresponsible 9 e. What people see in TV programs 5 j. Influenceof friends 0 f. A lack of morals 6 g. A lack of education 7 k. Being unable to control drinking h. A person not seeing any harm in it .8 because alcoholism is a i. A person being irresponsible 9 disease x 1 Influenceof friends 0 1. Whatpeopleseeinmovies Y k. Alcohol abuse m. What people see in advertising 1 50/ 1. What people see in movies n. Bartenders not being responsible.... 2 m. The advertising and marketing 0. Lowchanceof beingpunished 3 of toy guns, etc 1 48/ n. Guns being too easy to get 2 p. Friends and family not looking 0. Low chance of being punished 3 out for each other ..... .4 p, Seeingpornography 4 None of these 5 Noneofthese 5 /1 Don~tknow Y Donetknow Y UnELY WHAT REAL DIS- L ~ SATIS- ~ SATIS- ~ BoILI~~ ~DT LI~ PIASED FlED ~ FIED AM~~Y ~ ~ a. The way things are going for you personally these days 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 Y 51/ b. The way things are going for the country generally 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Y 52/ c. How President Clinton is dealing with the econaty 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Y 53/ d. How Congress is dealing with the econorr~~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Y 54/ e. How your state government is dealing with the state~seconaty 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Y 55/ f. Howsecureyourjobis ....l 2 3 4 5 6 7 Y 56/ g. Yourhealthcarecosts .. .1 2 3 4 S 6 7 Y 57/ h. Theamountofyour housenoldinc~ne 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Y 58/ i. Therateofinflation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Y 59/ j. The amount of taxes youpay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Y 60 k. The level of interest rates 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 Y 611 1. The cost and value of yourhousing 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 Y 62/ m. Thelevelofyour personal debts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Y 63/ F;Tj ~ 80~l as well as its own employees. Done only by IRS employees 2 Do you think the IRS should use outside contractors to contact tax- Doesn't matter (vol.) ...3 payers for the purpose of explaining the options that are available for Don't know y paying taxes that are past due, or should this be done only by IRS 13. If you personally owed back taxes to employees? the IRS, would it bother you more to receive a call from an outside con- Use outside contractors .1 6/ tractor rather than an IRS employee, or wouldn8t it make a difference Done only by IRS which one called? employees 2 Would bother me more Doesn't matter (vol.) .3 YES") Which ones? (A~K EVERYONE) D-7. Do you, or does anyone in your a.WrittenyouroongressmanorSenator 1 8/ family living here at home belong to b. Attended apolitical rally a labor union? or speech 2 13/ c. Attended a public meeting on Respondent belongs to union 1 town or school affairs 3 Other family member only belongs to union .2 d. Heldorrunforpoliticaloffice .. 4 Noonebelongstounion 3 Served on a committee for somelocalorganization S Don'tknow Y f. Served as an officer of some clubororganization 6 D-8. Are you married, widowed, separated, g. Writtenalettertothepaper 7 divorced or have you never been h. Signedapetition 8 married? i Workedforapoliticalparty 9 Married .. 1 (ASK 14/ j. Madeaspeech 0 D-9) k. Written an article for a Widowed 2 1 magazine or newspaper X I (SKIP 1. Been a member of some group Separated or divorce 3 I like the League of Women d. Voters, or some other group Neverbeenmarried.... j D-10) interestedinbettergovernment . 1 9/ 4 No--noneof these 2 Very conservative 1 6/ Moderately conservative . ... 2 D-5. Are you (CALL OFF APPROPRIATE Middle-of-the-road 3 CATEGORIES): Moderatelyliberal 4 Ahomernaker 1 11/ Very liberal 5 Unemployed 2 Don'tknow Y Astudent 3 (SKIP D-2. Regardless of how you may have Retired 4 TOD-7) voted in the past, what do you Orwhat? (all other) . Y usually consider yourself--a Democrat, a Republican, some D-6. What is your occupation? other party or what? Executive, administrative, management 1 12/ Democrat 1 7/ Toptalentandmajororlesser Republican 2 professional 2 Otherspecificparty 3 Owner--smallretailstore/business 3 Independent (Vol.) 4 Farmers (owners and managers) 4 No particular party (Vol.) S Technicians, minoradministrative Refused 6 White collar, clerical (non-supervisory) .6 Don'tknow Y Salesmen 7 D-3. Now here is a list of things some Skilledandseini-skilledlabor 8 people do about government or Unskilled labor 9 politics. (HAND RESPONDENT CARD) Serviceandprotectiveworkers 0 Have you happened to have done any of those things in the past year? (IF YES~) Which ones? (ASK EVERYONE) D-7. Do you, or does anyone in your a. WrittenyourcongressmanorSenator 1 8/ ~amily living here at home belong to b. Attendedapolitical rally a labor union? or speech 2 13/ c. Attended a public meeting on Respondent belongs to union 1 town or school affairs 3 Other family member only belongs to union .2 d. Heldorrunforpoliticaloffice .. 4 Noonebelongstounion 3 e. Served on a committee for somelocalorganization S Don'tknow Y f. Served as an officer of some clubororganization 6 D-8. Are you married, widowed, separated, g. Writtenalettertothepaper 7 divorced or have you never been h. Signedapetition 8 married? i Workedforapoliticalparty 9 Married . 1 (ASK 14/ j. Madeaspeech 0 D-9) k. Written an article for a Widowed 2 1 magazine or newspaper X I (SKIP 1. Been a member of some group Separated or divorce 3 I like the League of Women d. Voters, or some other group Neverbeenmarried.... j D-10) interestedinbettergovernment . 1 9/ 4 No--noneofthese 2 (ASK EVERYONE) Highschool graduate (12) 4 D-10. Are you a parent or not? Some college (13-15) 5 College graduate (16).... 6 Yes 1 16/ Post gradua~e (17+) 7 No 2 D-16. Here is a list of age groups. D-ll. Are there any children living here (HAND RESPONDENT CARD) Would at home with you: (RECORD FOR EACH you call off the letter of the CATEGORY) age group you happen to be in? (IF REFUSED, INTERVIEWER ESTI Age3oryounger? Yes . 1 No . 2 17/ MATE GROUP) a. 18 - 20 1 25/ Age 4 through 7? Yes . 1 No . 2 18/ b. 21 - 24 2 Age 8 through 12? Yes . 1 No . 2 19/ c. 25 - 29 3 d. 30 - 34 4 Age 13 through 17? Yes . 1 No . 2 20/ e. 35 - 39 5 D-12. Do you own your own home, rent it, f. 40 - 44 6 or do you have some other arrange- g. 45 - 49 7 ment such as living in the home of h. 50 - 54 8 your parents or children? 1. 55 - 59 9 j. 60 - 64 0 Own 1 21/ k. 65 - 69 x Rent 2 1. 70orolder Y Live in home of parents 3 Live inhomeofchildren 4 D-17. Now here is a list of income Other (vol.) S categories. (HAND RESPOND~NT CARD) Would you call off the D-13. Do you consider yourself the male/ letter of the category that best female head of this household or describes the corribined annual not? income of a1~ members of this household, including wages or Malehead 1 22/ salary, pensions, interest or Feinalehead 2 dividends, and all other sources? Another adult living in a. Under $7,000 . 1 26' the house 3 b. $7,000 to $9,999 2 D-14. Do you personally do most of the c. $10,000 to$14,999 3 grocery shopping for your house- d. $15,000 to $19,999 4 hold, or does somebody else do most e. $20,000 to $24,999 5 of it? f. $25,000 to $29,999 6 g. $30,OOOto$34,999 7 Respondent 1 23/ h. $3S,000 to$39,999 8 sornebodyelse 2 i. $40,000 to $49,999 9 Sharedequally (vol.) 3 j. $50,000 to $74,999 0 Nobodydoesit (vol,) 4 k. S75.000 andover x INTERVI~ER RECORD Male 1 28/ White 1 29/ Fernale 2 Black 2 Asian 3 Other 4 NAME ADDRESS APT. # CITY OR TOWN___________________________ STATE ________________________________ ZI? CODE _______________________________ (30-34) AREA CODE _________ TELE #_______________________ (35-44) MONTH/DAY/Y~ _____________________________ (45-54) Dayofweek: First Saturday 1 Wednesday 5 55/ Sunday 2 Thursday 6 Monday 3 Friday 7 Thesday 4 secondSaturday 8 INTERVIEWERS NAME: _________________________________________ ______ 179-01 180-91