Mellon Awards Funds to CLIR

For Immediate Release January 3, 2000

Contact: Deanna Marcum 202-939-4750

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded two grants to the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The first, for $2.6 million, will support CLIR’s general program work over the next three years. The second, also a three-year grant, for $250,000, will be used to enable librarians and technology staff from liberal arts colleges to attend the Frye Leadership Institute at Emory University.

“We are deeply grateful to The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for providing the critical core support that makes it possible for CLIR to pursue its agenda,” said CLIR President Deanna Marcum. CLIR has identified six themes for its work: preservation awareness, digital libraries, economics of information, resources for scholarship, leadership, and international developments. Each theme is based on the broad problems facing libraries, archives, museums, and related organizations. CLIR will bring together disparate groups to analyze and begin to address some of the most vexing issues.

The grant to support liberal arts colleges’ staff participation in the Frye Leadership Institute was made with the recognition that colleges often find it more difficult to support special training than do universities. Yet colleges, like universities, have an urgent need for individuals who are prepared to meet the new challenges of managing scholarly information in a rapidly changing technological environment.

“The Mellon grant has given stability and credibility to our leadership initiative, but, more importantly, it will give unprecedented opportunities to a cadre of liberal arts colleges’ libraries and technology specialists to help shape information services for the next few decades,” notes Marcum.

The Frye Leadership Institute provides continuing-education opportunities to individuals who currently hold, or will one day assume, positions that make them responsible for transforming the management of scholarly information in the higher education community. Over the next five years, the Institute will train a cadre of several hundred professionals—most of them in midcareer and drawn from library and administrative staffs, computer centers, and faculties. Participants in the Institute will progress through training that begins with a two-week seminar on the campus of Emory University, continues with a year-long practicum on the home campus, and concludes with a summary session back at Emory. The Institute aims to produce professionals with a sophisticated understanding of the changes that digital technology is bringing to traditional academic management.

The Council on Library and Information Resources works in partnership with libraries, archives, and other information providers to advocate collaborative approaches to preserving the nation’s intellectual heritage and strengthening the many components of its information system. It works to support institutions as they integrate audiovisual and digital resources and services into their well-established print-based environments.

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