Mellon Fellowships for Dissertation Research in Original Sources

NOTE: The final fellowships through this program were awarded in 2019, and CLIR is no longer accepting new applications.

With generous funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, between 2002-2019 the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) awarded over 250 fellowships to scholars to support dissertation research in the humanities or related social sciences using original sources.

The purposes of this fellowship program were to:

  • help junior scholars in the humanities and related social sciences gain skill and creativity in developing knowledge from original sources;
  • enable dissertation writers to do research wherever relevant sources may be, rather than just where financial support is available;
  • encourage more extensive and innovative uses of original sources in libraries, archives, museums, historical societies, and related repositories in the U.S. and abroad; and
  • capture insights into how scholarly resources can be developed for access most helpfully in the future.

Former fellows share reflections on their experiences with this program in the video below:

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