subject: CLIR
ART award
Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York
CLIR Press Releases
For Immediate Release: October 20, 2008
Kathlin Smith
CLIR to Receive 2008 Award for Outstanding Support of Archives
Washington, D.C.CLIR has been selected winner of the Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York, Inc. (ART) 2008 Award for Outstanding Support of Archives.
The award recognizes an individual or organization for notable contributions to archival records or archival programs through political, financial, or moral support. Past recipients of this award include The EAI-Online Resource Guide for Exhibiting, Collecting & Preserving Media Art (2007), and Metropolitan New York Library Council (2006).
“By convening librarians, archivists and researchers, CLIR functions as a forum and laboratory where new and improved means of access are developed,” notes the citation. “In particular, the Round Table commends CLIR for its new grant program, Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives: Building a New Research Environment.” The citation acknowledges CLIR “for enlarging the vision of libraries and archives, and for seeking structured, creative and collaborative strategies for challenges facing our community.”
“The CLIR Board is deeply honored to learn of this recognition from the Archivist Round Table of Metropolitan New York,” said CLIR Board Chair Paula Kaufman. “We thank The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for making the Hidden Collections program possible and look forward to announcing the first group of awardees in November.”
“Archives and archivists have long been a central focus of CLIR’s agenda, and we are delighted at the recognition by the Archivist Round Table of New York,” said CLIR President Chuck Henry. “Our new major project, Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives, testifies to our ongoing support of these materials and those who maintain them and make them accessible. We expect that interest in and community engagement with archival materials will widen in the coming years.”
Henry will receive the award at a ceremony in New York on November 17.
ART was founded in 1979 as a not-for-profit organization representing a diverse group of more than 325 archivists, librarians, and records managers in the New York metropolitan area. It is one of the largest local organizations of its kind in the United States, with members representing more than 175 repositories. More information is available at
The Council on Library and Information Resources is an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the management of information for research, teaching, and learning. CLIR works to expand access to information, however recorded and preserved, as a public good.