CLIR and NITLE Accepting Nominations for Rick Peterson Fellowship
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 23, 2012 NITLE Contact: Grace Pang 734-330-0467 CLIR Contact: Kathlin Smith 202-939-4754 (Washington, D.C. and Georgetown, Texas) The Council on Library
Home > Archives for May 2012
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 23, 2012 NITLE Contact: Grace Pang 734-330-0467 CLIR Contact: Kathlin Smith 202-939-4754 (Washington, D.C. and Georgetown, Texas) The Council on Library
Washington, DC, May 14, 2012-Stephanie Stillo, Ph.D. candidate in History at the University of Kansas, has been awarded the 2012 CLIR/Library of Congress Mellon Fellowship.
Number 87 • May/June 2012 ISSN 1944-7639 (online version) Contents Report Examines Computationally Intensive Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences CLIR Inaugurates Blog Series
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