Washington, DC, Dec. 9, 2013-The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) today announced the following recipients of the 2013 Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives awards:
Amherst College
Samuel French Theatre Archives
Bok Tower Gardens
Cataloging the Vertical Files of the Anton Brees Carillon Library
California Academy of Sciences
Frontier Science: Providing Access to the Early Scientific History of the American West in the Collections of the California Academy of Sciences
Columbia University
Makino Collection Film Ephemera and Rare Book Project
Dayton Society of Natural History
The Lichliter Site Project: A Model for Revealing Hidden Archaeological Collections
Erie Canal Museum
Canal Society of New York State Collection
George Eastman House
Documenting Their Films: Hidden Collections of Four Independent Filmmakers
The George Washington University
D.C. Africana Archives Project (DCAAP)
Hagley Museum and Library
The David Sarnoff Collection Processing Project
Kansas City Public Library
The Kansas City Stockyards Collection
La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club
Cataloging La MaMa’s Pushcart Years: A Unique History of the Off-Off Broadway Theatre Movement
Lehigh University
Bridge and Building Forensics: Civil Engineering Archives at Lehigh University
Maine State Museum
An American Mirror: Early Photograph Collections at the Maine State Museum
The Newberry Library
Printing Specimens (1605-present) at the Newberry Library
Princeton University
Princeton University Library’s Latin American Ephemera Project
San Diego Museum of Man
Cataloging Hidden Collections: San Diego Museum of Man’s Archaeology, Archival and Photographic Collections
Union College
Grass Roots Activism and the American Wilderness: Pioneers in the Twentieth Century Adirondack Park Conservation Movement
University at Albany, SUNY
Building New Access Tools for the National Death Penalty Archive
University at Buffalo, SUNY
Processing the Editorial and Business Records of Eleven Little Literary Magazine Archives in the Poetry Collection
University of North Texas
Post-War Industry and Development of the Southwest Metroplex
University of Washington Libraries
Discovering Modern China: University of Washington and University of British Columbia Collections
Yellowstone Park Foundation
Using a Team Approach to Expose Yellowstone’s Hidden Collections
CLIR will issue a request for proposals for the next Hidden Collections funding cycle in early January 2014.
Created in 2008 and supported by ongoing funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives awards program supports the identification and cataloging of special collections and archives of high scholarly value that are difficult or impossible to locate. Award recipients create Web-accessible records according to standards that allow the federation of their local cataloging entries into larger groups of related records, enabling the broadest possible exposure to the scholarly community.
A registry of hidden collections and archives, based on information supplied by applicants, is available at https://www.clir.org/hiddencollections/registry.
The Council on Library and Information Resources is an independent, nonprofit organization that forges strategies to enhance research, teaching, and learning environments in collaboration with libraries, cultural institutions, and communities of higher learning.