Sustaining Public Media


In November 2017, WGBH and the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) convened a small group of library and archival professionals, technologists, and representatives of funding organizations who are long-term supporters of public television and radio for a discussion about strategies for preserving this content and ensuring its accessibility for future generations. This meeting coincided with the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967.

The discussion highlighted the achievements of the American Archive of Public Broadcasting and outlined major challenges that those who would save legacy public media content face. Following the discussion, CLIR and WGBH prepared a short summary report identifying these challenges and actions community members can take to preserve these recordings and make them accessible for future use.

We hope you will join us in our efforts address the grand challenges of preserving public media, summarized on page 5 of the report.

Additional action you can take:

—Assist with transcribing public radio and television programs at

—Contact to discuss how you can help preserve and make accessible the collections of the American Archive of Public Broadcasting (AAPB).

—Make a donation to WGBH Open Vault to support WGBH staff efforts for the AAPB.

—If your collection includes public radio and television programs, consider applying for a CLIR Recordings at Risk grant, at

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