The Cornell / Xerox / Commission on Preservation and Access Joint Study in Digital Preservation
Report: Phase I
(January 1990-December 199l)
Digital Capture, Paper Facsimiles, and Network Access
Anne R. Kenney and Lynne K. PersoniusProject Managers
Copyright 1992 by Commission on Preservation and Access. Copying without a fee is permitted provided that copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage and credit to the source is given. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and specific permission.
The front cover illustration is derived from a photograph by Charles Harrington and depicts Michael Friedman of the Cornell University Library staff scanning a brittle book using the Cornell/Xerox prototype system.
Table of Contents
- Acknowledgments
- I. Executive Summary
- Principal Conclusions
- II. Guiding Principles
- III. Products
- A. Networked Scanning System
B. The Electronic Library: Image Capture and File Format
C. Paper Facsimiles
V. Bibliographic Access
E. Document Control Structure
F. Print on Demand Access
G. Electronic Access
H. Digital-to-Microfilm Feasibility - IV. Process
- A. Selection B. Preparation
C. Set Up
D. Production Scanning
E. Printing
F. Quality Control and Rescans
G. Binding, Cataloging, and Shelving the Paper Replacement
H. Storing and Accessing the Digital Files
I. Technology Refreshing - V. Findings
- A. New Preservation Method
1. Quality Evaluation
2. Cost Study
Summary of Findings - B. New Access Method 1. Network-Connected Digital Library
2. Navigating the Digital Library
C. Applications Beyond Preservation: Electronic Publishing at Cornell - VI. Conclusion
- VII. Appendixes
- Appendix I Paper Facsimile Comparisons
Appendix II Cost Study Description
Appendix III Cost Study Assumptions for Table A
Appendix IV Scanning Diagram - VIII. Supplements (Available from Cornell)
- Supplements omitted from this electronic version
Supplement I CLASS Project: Major Events and History of Software/Hardware Installations
Supplement 11 Cataloging Report
Supplement Ill Request Server Functional Description
Supplement IV Preservation Project Bibliography: Mathematics Monographs
Supplement IV Paper Facsimile Comparisons: Samples
To order supplements, send check for $10.00 payable to Cornell University to: ÿ
Cornell University LibraryDepartment of Preservation and Conservation
215 Olin Library
Ithaca, NY 14853 (607) 255-9444