Maxwell L. Anderson
Whitney Museum of American Art
Anthony Bannon
George Eastman House
Porter Bibb
Technology Partners (Holdings) LLC
James M. Bower
Culture Vista
Ewald Brahms
Wissenschaftliches Bibliotekwesen 2
Lynne Brindley
The British Library
Elizabeth Broun
Smithsonian American Art Museum
David Green
National Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage
Daniel Greenstein
Digital Library Federation
Council on Library and Information Resources
José-Marie Griffiths
University of Michigan
Sam Gustman
Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation
Kevin M. Guthrie
Willis Hartshorn
International Center of Photography
Charles Henry
Rice University
Carol Hughes
Questia Media, Inc.
Stanley N. Katz
Princeton University
Michael A. Keller
Stanford University
Ann Kirschner
Roger C. Lawson
National Gallery of Art
Klaus-Dieter Lehmann
Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Clifford Lynch
Coalition for Networked Information
Deanna Marcum
Council on Library and Information Resources
Max Marmor
Yale University
Jack Meyers
Getty Grant Program
Marc Owens
Caplin and Drysdale Attorneys
Joyce Ray
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Bernard Reilly
Chicago Historical Society
Richard Rinehart
Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive
David Rodgers
Bruce Royan
Samuel Sachs II
The Frick Collection
Marsha Semmel
Women of the West Museum
Beverly Sheppard
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Abby Smith
Council on Library and Information Resources
Thornton Staples
University of Virginia
Paul Starr
Princeton University
Winston Tabb
Library of Congress
Sarah E. Thomas
Cornell University
Jennifer Trant
Art Museum Image Consortium
Stephen Urice
The Pew Charitable Trusts
Donald J. Waters
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Patricia Williams
American Association of Museums
Troy Williams
Questia Media, Inc.