Proceedings of the 2000 Sino-United States Symposium and Workshop on Library and Information Science Education in the Digital Age. November 5-10, 2000; Wuhan, China.

thumbnail of pub102pub102. Proceedings of the 2000 Sino-United States Symposium and Workshop on Library and Information Science Education in the Digital Age. November 5-10, 2000; Wuhan, China.
D. E. Perushek, Editor
(2001, 84 pp.)
ISBN 1-887334-86-6

This report contains papers presented at the plenary sessions of the 2000 Sino-United States Symposium and Workshop on Library and Information Science Education in the Digital Age held November 5-10, 2000 in Wuhan, China.

The question of how best to train professionals for library and information professions is being debated in many countries. What should these professionals be prepared to do? The very question raises a host of other questions about the future of the information infrastructure and how and where knowledge will be created, kept, and made available.

These papers, written by leading Chinese and American educators, provide a snapshot of the educators’ concerns at a time when the digital environment is bringing about rapid, fundamental change in libraries. As Diane Perushek notes in her introduction, there is a high degree of commonality in the concerns expressed by participants from both countries, despite the quite different paths that the library profession has followed in each.

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