Keepers of Our Digital Future

An Assessment of the National Digital Stewardship Residencies, 2013–2016

by Meridith Beck Mink
with the assistance of Samantha DeWitt, Christa Williford, and Alice Bishop
Foreword by Abby Smith Rumsey

December 2016. 89 pp. $0.
ISBN 978-1-932326-57-4
CLIR pub 173
PDF Download of Full Report (2.1 MB)

Supplementary Assessment of the National Digital Stewardship Residences, 2016–2018

by Meridith Beck Mink

October 2018, 32 pp. $0.
CLIR pub 173addendum
PDF Download of Supplemental Assessment

NDSR Art: Assessment of the 2017–2018 Program Year

by Meridith Beck Mink
November 2018, 21 pp.
PDF Download of NDSR Art Assessment 2017-18

NDSR Art: Assessment of the 2018–2019 Program Year

by Meridith Beck Mink
October 2019, 74 pp.
PDF Download of NDSR Art Assessment 2018-19

NDSR Art, 2018–19 Cohort Curriculum Assessment

by Karl-Ranier Blumenthal
December 2019, 14 pp.
PDF Download of NDSR Curriculum Assessment, 2018-19


These are web-only publications; they are not available in print.


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In September 2015, IMLS awarded CLIR a grant to investigate the early impacts of the National Digital Stewardship Residency (NDSR) programs, in order to inform subsequent development of similar programs by others with a vested interest in building professional capacity to preserve digital information. Keepers of Our Digital Future provides a formative evaluation of the early residencies, based on surveys and interviews with NDSR participants and supervisors from the Washington, D.C., New York, and Boston programs. The authors offer a series of findings and recommendations for future programs, noting that as the model is reproduced, there is a greater need for national-level coordination and communication across programs.





The Supplementary Assessment of the National Digital Stewardship Residencies, 2016–2018, provides data on the three most recent NDSR initiatives: AAPB NDSR, NDSR Art, and NDSR Foundations to Actions. These programs have placed residents in host institutions across the country, marking a departure form the regionally based programs that were the subject of the original study.



In 2019, NDSR Art commissioned an independent assessment of the second cohort of its program. This formative evaluation focused on gathering qualitative feedback from the 2018-19 cohort of NDSR Art residents, their project supervisors, and the NDSR Art program staff. In addition, an assessment was undertaken to evaluate the curricular aspects of the National Digital Stewardship Residency in Art Information and the values of its changes between program years, and to identify strengths and weaknesses for future application of the NDSR model of cohort-based introductory fieldwork.

Creative Commons LicenseKeepers of Our Digital Future, and Supplementary Assessment are published by the Council on Library and Information Resources, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services through grant RE-00-15-0107-15.



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