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CLIR Issues 137

CLIR Issues

Number 137  September/October 2020
ISSN 1944-7639 (online version)


Keynotes and Programs Announced for DLF Forum and Affiliated Events

Material Memory Podcast, Season Two, Coming in November

Extending Support to the Community

Sharon Burney Named Program Officer

IIIF Seeks Your Input

Recordings at Risk Applicant Webinar Nov. 18

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Keynotes and Programs Announced for DLF Forum and Affiliated Events

Keynote Stacey Patton -2The virtual 2020 DLF Forum kicks off November 9 with a keynote address by award-winning journalist and author Stacey Patton, titled “Do Black Lives Matter in Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums?” Patton writes about race, politics, popular culture, child welfare issues, diversity in the media, and higher education. She is a research associate at Morgan State University’s Institute for Urban Research and a professor of digital journalism at Howard University in the Cathy Hughes School of Communications.[1]

This year’s Forum will be followed by two affiliated events. On November 12, Jennifer A. Ferretti, artist and digital initiatives librarian at the Maryland Institute College of Art on Piscataway Land, will open NDSA’s Digital Preservation 2020: Get Active with Digital Preservation. On November 13, CLIR will host 5 for 5: Conversations on Five Years of Digitizing Hidden Collections, a day of curated programming highlighting funded programs, partnerships and collaborations, grant writing and project design, collections in crisis, and facilitating access.

Programs for all events are now available, attendance is free of charge, and registration is open through November 1! All content is prerecorded, and discussion will be available and encouraged through the events’ Slack workspace.

This year, DLF will provide $250 stipends to a cohort of 10 virtual DLF Forum attendees from a variety of backgrounds to serve as community journalists. We will feature their voices and experiences on the DLF blog after our events this fall. Apply to be a community journalist by October 25.

This year’s Forum and affiliated events have been made possible by these sponsors: AVP, Quartex, Discovery Garden, Picturae, and Digital Bedrock. Is your organization interested in sponsoring our events? It isn’t too late: view our 2020 sponsorship opportunities.

[1] An earlier message in the DLF Forum newsletter had included Yeshimabeit Milner among our DLF keynote speakers. Unfortunately, because of time constraints and scheduling changes, Ms. Milner is no longer able to join us this year. 

Material Memory Podcast, Season Two, Coming in November

Stay tuned for a new season of CLIR’s podcast, Material Memory, coming in November. Season Two explores the impact of the climate crisis on communities and their cultural heritage. How does climate change threaten our records and traditions? What is the relationship between memory and disaster? How will the unequal effects of the climate crisis alter the historical record? What are the preservation needs of communities at risk of displacement? And what role does heritage play in identity and resilience?

The season will take a critical look at the role of information and cultural heritage professionals in responding to the crisis and consider how different approaches to preservation can help or harm affected communities. Join us as host Nicole Kang Ferraiolo speaks with guests about what’s at stake at the intersection of climate and memory and where to go from here.

See the lineup of guests here.

Extending Support to Community

As the effects of the global pandemic continue to grow throughout our community, CLIR staff are working hard to maximize resources and funding for our grantees and fellows whose work has been disrupted.

With the generous support of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, CLIR is offering our 2019 Mellon Dissertation Fellows the opportunity to apply for up to five months of additional funding. Fellows will be able to use these funds between December 2020 and August 2021 to continue their dissertation research, and restrictions on the program will be relaxed to enable fellows to work with digitized as well as physical original sources.

Through an approved reallocation of interest from parent grants awarded by the Mellon Foundation, CLIR has created an opportunity for recipients of Digitizing Hidden Collections and Recordings at Risk grants to apply for limited emergency relief funding. Emergency relief awards are intended to support the completion of previously approved primary grant activities (digital reformatting, metadata creation, and/or other means of facilitating access to digital files) that have been impeded or delayed by the pandemic.

By securing a grant extension from the Mellon Foundation and an extension and additional funds from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, CLIR has been able to extend its contracts with hosts of three Postdoctoral Fellows in Data Curation for Latin American and Caribbean Studies and one Postdoctoral Fellow in Software Curation, making it possible for institutions to keep these fellows working for a few months to one year longer than originally planned.

In addition, as noted earlier in this newsletter, the 2020 DLF Forum and affiliated events are being offered free of charge, and registrations already exceed any previous year.

Sharon Burney Named Program Officer

We are pleased to announce that CLIR staffer Sharon Burney has been promoted to Sharon Burneyprogram officer. Burney joined CLIR just over a year ago as program assistant to the Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives and Recordings at Risk grant programs. In recent months she has also contributed to several program development efforts, including planning for the 2020 DLF Virtual Forum5 for 5: Conversations on Five Years of Digitizing Hidden CollectionsMaterial Memory, and a possible new initiative to bring academics, knowledge workers, and community members together for productive conversations about local experiences with racism, gentrification, inequality, and injustice. “Sharon’s promotion recognizes these strategic contributions as well as her value to CLIR’s grants team,” said Amy Lucko, CLIR’s chief operating officer. “She will remain a vital part of this team and work closely with program officers Joy Banks and Becca Quon to serve our ever-growing numbers of applicants and recipients.”

IIIF Seeks Your Input

The International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) Outreach Group is surveying the community to learn more about the current state of IIIF implementations, including those in progress or in planning.

The group is looking for responses from libraries, museums, archives, publishers, software and service providers, consultants, and others. Even if you are just thinking about implementing IIIF sometime in the future, the group would love to hear from you. The survey will close on October 31st.

Recordings at Risk Applicant Webinar Nov. 18

Interested in applying for a Recordings at Risk Cycle 8 award? Join us for an applicant webinar on Wednesday, November 18 at 3 pm ET. Register here.

The application period will open on Monday, November 2, and the deadline is January 29, 2021.


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