Re: Thinking

Help SPN Create a Toolkit for Software Preservation Research

This blog is cross-posted from Co-authors are Alexandra Chassanoff, Jessica Meyerson, Katherine Thornton, Cynde Moya, and Christa Williford For decades, researchers and practitioners in information

Affiliates: Models of Interdependency

Editor’s note: This blog is the first in a series focusing on CLIR Affilates. Subsequent posts will describe some of our international Affiliates in greater

Recordings at Risk: Pilot Call Pointers

By Pedro Gonzalez-Fernandez Audio and audiovisual materials of significant value often fall under the stewardship of archivists who lack specialized training regarding their description, storage,

Digital Libraries and Social Justice

By Charles Henry This summer, CLIR announced funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to support the initial planning phase of the Digital Library of

Wikidata as a Digital Preservation Knowledgebase

By Katherine Thornton Katherine Thornton, CLIR postdoctoral fellow in data curation at Yale University Library, coauthored this piece with Euan Cochrane, digital preservation manager at

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