2015 Unconference & Symposium

2015 Unconference & Symposium

In November 2015, CLIR published a report of the proceedings from this symposium. Click here to read the report.


2015 Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives Unconference and Symposium: Innovation, Collaboration, and Models

Dates: Thursday, March 12 (Unconference) and Friday, March 13 (Symposium), 2015

Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts, University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Philadelphia, PA

Registration Fees: $25 for Unconference; $100 for Symposium
Contact: hiddencollections@clir.org

Thanks to all of you who joined us at the 2015 Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives Unconference and Symposium: Innovation, Collaboration, and Models! The day-long symposium was held on Friday, March 13, 2015, with a pre-symposium unconference on Thursday, March 12, 2015. Both events took place at the Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts of the University of Pennsylvania Libraries.

Follow the event on Twitter with #catHC.

At the symposium, recipients of CLIR’s Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives awards addressed problems that today’s library and cultural heritage professionals face as they organize collections and make them accessible to scholars and other users.

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