3-Making the Most of People, Sarah Leu

Making the most of people: Recruitment, retention, and recognition

January 25, 2017

Featured speaker, Sarah Leu
Project Archivist, Historical Society of Pennsylvania

>>Strategies for Advancing Hidden Collections Series

Sarah Leu

Sarah Leu is a project archivist at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania (HSP) in Philadelphia. Sarah previously worked as the Lead Project Surveyor for HSP’s Hidden Collections Initiative for Pennsylvania Small Archival Repositories funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The goal of this five-year project was to make better known and more accessible the hidden collections at small and largely volunteer-run archival repositories in the five-county Philadelphia region. Sarah earned her B.A. in Art History and Classics from Syracuse University in 2004 and her MSLIS with a concentration in archives from Drexel University in 2013.


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