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The Long and Winding Road

By Alexandra Bolintineanu I came to CLIR by a long and winding road. From the Philadelphia airport, my cab and I drove through a darkened

New Leadership in Higher Ed?

By Helen Norris In late July, the Regents of the University of California nominated and confirmed Janet Napolitano to lead the university system. This is

From the Ground Up

By Elise Bonner Before leaving for a year of research in Russia last summer, I heard from various people that the dissertation was going to

Leading from Where You Are

By Diane Skorina Reflections on LCI 2013, Part II On the first Monday of LCI 2013, a tweet encouraged everyone to “go to the bar

CLIR Issues Number 94

Number 94 • July/August 2013 ISSN 1944-7639 (online version) Contents Bethany Nowviskie Appointed CLIR Presidential Fellow Frye/LCI Alum David Weil Reflects on Career Development Postdoc Seminar:

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